Easy Type Encapsulation in Rust with the std::ops::Deref Trait


My friend Jair Santana shared with me a very cool competitive programming challenge from IOI 2021 and so I've been working through it in Rust. The goal of the challenge is to implement two programs using the instruction set of a virtual machine. An implementation of the virtual machine is given to the competitors in C++, but I'm rewriting it in Rust because Rust is awesome. :sunglasses: The virtual machine has many registers, which are defined as sequences of bits. My first instinct was to implement this as an array of booleans using a const generic type alias:

/// Each register is an array of `B` bits, numbered from `0`
/// (the rightmost bit) to `b − 1` (the leftmost bit).
type Register<const B: usize> = [ bool; B ];

This is a good start, but becomes annoying once you want to start implementing methods on your type. This is because the type keyword, again, creates a type alias, not a new type, and Rust does not let you create an impl block for a primitive type.

error[E0390]: cannot define inherent `impl` for primitive types
  | impl<const B: usize> Register<B> {}
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Instead, we must implement our methods as a collection of loosely collected functions.

fn bool_to_u64(b: bool) -> u64 {
match b {
true => 1,
false => 0,

fn integer_value<const B: usize>(register: Register<B>) -> u64 {
return register
.map(|(i, bit)| 2u64.pow(i as u32) * bool_to_u64(*bit))

We can create a new type by taking the guts of the type alias and wrapping it in a struct tuple.

/// Each register is an array of `B` bits, numbered from `0`
/// (the rightmost bit) to `b − 1` (the leftmost bit).
- type Register<const B: usize> = [ bool; B ];
+ struct Register<const B: usize>([ bool; B ]);

Now that we have a new type, we can implement whatever methods and traits we want.

impl<const B: usize> Register<B> {
fn integer_value(self: Self) -> u64 {
return self.0
.map(|(i, bit)| 2u64.pow(i as u32) * bool_to_u64(*bit))

We are also now enforcing that a register must be a Register, not an boolean array that looks and acts like one; this property becomes much more useful when you have two types that wrap the same inner type, for example, Year(i16) and Month(i16), and it's crucial that you can tell them apart.

error[E0308]: mismatched types
   |     let a: Register<64> = [false; 64];
   |            ------------   ^^^^^^^^^^^ expected `Register<64>`, found `[bool; 64]`
   |            |
   |            expected due to this
   = note: expected struct `Register<64>`
               found array `[bool; 64]`
help: try wrapping the expression in `Register`
   |     let a: Register<64> = Register([false; 64]);
   |                           +++++++++           +

However, one could argue that we've put too much distance between ourselves and the original type. Arrays in Rust come with a lot of great methods, but now we either need to use ugly syntax to reach through to the original type (register.0.iter()) or manually "forward" all the methods and traits we need.

We can have the best of both worlds by overriding Rust's dereference operator (*x) using the std::ops::Deref trait; it will effectively forward all of the methods and traits for us. Implementing the trait is trivial:

impl<const B: usize> Deref for Register<B> {
type Target = [ bool; B ];

fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

We now save two characters in Register::integer_value.

impl<const B: usize> Register<B> {
fn integer_value(self: Self) -> u64 {
- return self.0
+ return self
.map(|(i, bit)| 2u64.pow(i as u32) * bool_to_u64(*bit))

Rust in many places makes use of the dereference operator automatically, so the forwarding is effectively transparent.

I think that this neat little trick can save you a lot of grief when wanting to write correct code, so use them liberally.

Implementing Deref for smart pointers makes accessing the data behind them convenient, which is why they implement Deref. On the other hand, the rules regarding Deref and DerefMut were designed specifically to accommodate smart pointers. Because of this, Deref should only be implemented for smart pointers to avoid confusion.

Uhh, well, seeing as Vec uses Deref to forward its inner slice, I think using Deref in a similar way is fair game!